Monday 27 October 2008

To Russell Brand and Jonathan Ross.

So you both think it's funny to insult and offend a 78 year-old man just because he wouldn't appear on your show? I hope you are both ashamed of yourselves. You are supposed to be grown men yet you behave like stupid chav children. How would you like it if the same was done to a member of your families? I guess you are both incapable of thinking that far. The puerile nonsense that you throw out on your radio and TV shows is obviously indicative of your shallow personalities. You have given the general public another reason not to listen to either of you on the radio or watch you on TV. I think your popularity may decline a little now; at least among the decent members of society.

Tuesday 5 August 2008

What does the future hold?

I sometimes get jealous of the other students at the university because they seem to have had more "full" lives than I have had. And they're often younger than me. I haven't done much with my life so far, and that is a big regret right now. I know I shouldn't have them, but I do. These students are often childless though, and I daresay they wouldn't have had such fantastic holidays and thrilling lives if they had been single parents for the past 15 years. I don't regret having my daughter; she is the reason I get up in the morning. And I don't regret breaking up with her father because he's the world's biggest waste of space. It's hard though, being a single parent. I sometimes think of my sister, living abroad with her own little family. She's travelled, and met people. She's got a young family now though, and my daughter is nearly grown. I guess we're just doing things a different way around. I'm just a bit dissatisfied with my life right now. I have to finish my nurse training though, but I only have another 9 months. I want to do so much but there seems so little time to do it in. How did I get this old?!

Saturday 5 April 2008


I don't know what got me started, but I've just been trawling through the internet for stuff that I read and watched as a child. I've even put The Ghosts of Motley Hall on my Amazon rental list! I'm very excited about that actually; can't wait to watch it! I've put Marianne Dreams, by Catherine Storr in my Amazon basket. It was a memorable book from my childhood, and I would love for my daughter to read it. I went on Ebay, and found that the Malory Towers and St Clare's books are up for sale, Tomorrow People DVDs are available, and Rentaghost is there too! I think I need some sleep! I would love to read Marianne Dreams again, I just hope that reading it now won't take anything away from the pleasure I got from it as a child. Pleasure is a loose description though, as it is a spooky book, but it's one that has stayed with me so I guess I must have like it. Sod it, I'm going to order it!

Saturday 15 March 2008


I've just finished watching Sicko; the most recent Michael Moore film. I don't really feel qualified to comment too much on it, but needless to say, I appreciate our healthcare system here in the UK a lot more now. In the US you don't seem to be guaranteed treatment even if you do have insurance, which is scary. I couldn't work under a system like that either. Long live the NHS. For all its faults, it's one hell of a lot better than the health system of the richest country in the World.

Friday 7 March 2008

Hats off to Delia Derbyshire.

It's rare to find someone with a genuine passion and intelligence for what he or she does. I am currently listening to a radio play on BBC 7 about the aforementioned lady and feel that she deserves a mention. I don't suppose that many people read what I have read, but it feels good to put it out into the void that is cyberspace. What an insightful woman she was. I wish I had half as much mathematical intelligence and creativity as she did. I was gutted to find that she died in 2001. I have always wanted to understand the language that is mathematics but have always found it so challenging. If there are people out there who do not know of her, please visit
She arranged the original theme of Doctor Who, written by Ron Grainger. Amazing lady.

Thursday 14 February 2008

UK - A New Depression?

The UK is not a good place to live right now. I guess it would be easy to blame Golden Brown, or the labour government (deliberate small case), but I'm not sure what any other government would be able to do. I am only 37, but can see the demise of morals, of knowing right from wrong, of the change in priorities of most in society, etc. What is it with this celebrity worship? Who cares what Britney Spears is up to? Why is Big Brother so popular? Who cares what brand of clothing people are wearing? I am scared for my 14 year-old daughter; for the World she will be entering when she is grown. I would emigrate in an instant, were it not for my ties to my family and friends. They are so important to me. It is a shame that the UK government pay such a lot of money for my nurse training, yet there is little incentive for me to stay here and repay the money spent on me. There might not even be a job for me in the NHS when I qualify. They're very short of nurses in Oz. If I could take my family and friends with me, I would be off like a shot.

Saturday 12 January 2008

What's happening to NHS dentistry?

I received a letter from my dentist this morning informing me that I will no longer receive NHS treatment from them from April 08. Apparently they have been attempting to negotiate a contract with the PCT but it was unsatisfactory so they have decided not to offer NHS treatment at all. That includes my teenage daughter, as they are only offering free treatment to kids aged 11 and under. I'm furious. It's a good thing I got the letter on a Saturday because I'd have been round there like a shot. They put some Denplan leaflets in the letter, informing me that I could get routine assessments and x rays for £12.80 a month, and I'd have to pay for anything else, such as fillings etc. Have you seen the prices??! Anyway, having done some research into dental insurance, this Denplan is a big rip off. Most other policies will pay 80% of routine treatment for about the same price. My dentist is only offering 20% discount on such treatments. It's really expensive anyway. I'm going to look into whether there are any NHS dentists in the area, even if they'll only take my daughter. If I don't have any luck then I'll just have to get her insured and I'll not have a dentist for a year. I cannot afford those prices while I'm still a student nurse. I need a tooth filling or pulling at this moment as well, could cost me more than £100!