Tuesday 7 August 2007

Jeremy Kyle

I watched it in the gym this morning. Relieves the boredom factor of the treadmill, and the earphones let people know that I don't want to talk to anyone. Anyway, I got to wondering why I watch Jeremy Kyle, enjoy it even! He's an annoying, sanctimonious little know-it-all who thinks that having a brother with addiction problems makes him an expert on human behaviour. The guests tend to be the worst examples of modern society who embarrass the rest of the human race by being so thick. Well, most of them; some of them have an ounce of sense, but then why would anyone want to air their dirty laundry in public? What makes someone want to do that? It's compulsive viewing though. I don't know if it's a superiority thing, or whether it's reassuring that I know that my life is actually fairly normal and drama-free. Makes me feel better about my situation though. I didn't bother watching Trisha afterwards. I was knackered, and I don't think they have channel 5.