Saturday 15 March 2008


I've just finished watching Sicko; the most recent Michael Moore film. I don't really feel qualified to comment too much on it, but needless to say, I appreciate our healthcare system here in the UK a lot more now. In the US you don't seem to be guaranteed treatment even if you do have insurance, which is scary. I couldn't work under a system like that either. Long live the NHS. For all its faults, it's one hell of a lot better than the health system of the richest country in the World.


Meredith Soames said...

I haven't seen Sicko yet, but I can confirm that financial decisions are a part of the equation when deciding who can and cannot have treatment. Like education, healthcare is big business in the US. Nothing is free here, other than comment.

The US system is generally very good for getting you under the knife quickly.

I posted 2 comments on your book post today. Does Blogger notify you automatially?

specky6eyes said...

Blogger notifies me if I remember to subscribe to the post, which I did the last time I posted! I'll reply there.
I'm sure that Sicko made some very good points, but it did seem to glorify the British NHS and the Cuban healthcare system. Just because something is preferable to another, doesn't mean to say it's ideal though. Saying that, I would much rather work in a system that I think is more concerned with helping people than that which is obsessed with getting money out of someone. The US healthcare system was portrayed very badly, but I'm sure there must be good things happening there too. I'm looking forward to working for the NHS when I qualify as a staff nurse next May, despite the poor wages and staff shortages. And despite the publicity about the lack of jobs for newly qualified nurses, I am determined to get one. They are there if you look for them hard enough.