Saturday 15 March 2008


I've just finished watching Sicko; the most recent Michael Moore film. I don't really feel qualified to comment too much on it, but needless to say, I appreciate our healthcare system here in the UK a lot more now. In the US you don't seem to be guaranteed treatment even if you do have insurance, which is scary. I couldn't work under a system like that either. Long live the NHS. For all its faults, it's one hell of a lot better than the health system of the richest country in the World.

Friday 7 March 2008

Hats off to Delia Derbyshire.

It's rare to find someone with a genuine passion and intelligence for what he or she does. I am currently listening to a radio play on BBC 7 about the aforementioned lady and feel that she deserves a mention. I don't suppose that many people read what I have read, but it feels good to put it out into the void that is cyberspace. What an insightful woman she was. I wish I had half as much mathematical intelligence and creativity as she did. I was gutted to find that she died in 2001. I have always wanted to understand the language that is mathematics but have always found it so challenging. If there are people out there who do not know of her, please visit
She arranged the original theme of Doctor Who, written by Ron Grainger. Amazing lady.