Tuesday, 23 October 2007

October blues.

Do you ever get one of those really depressing, weird-type months? Doesn't even have to be a particular month, could be a day, week, year, whatever really. October has been one of those for me. I'm so glad it's almost over. I've started a new placement this month and have been getting into the swing of being back at work. That's bad enough after a few weeks off! The Mum of a close family friend has recently died, and it was a more drawn-out process than anyone would have liked, and that included the Mum that died. Funeral this week so have had to rearrange my off duty. I'm consequently working all day and evening tomorrow and most of Thursday so will be knackered. My parents have been away and my daughter and I have been staying at their house and we've just got back so getting used to being back at home again. I went out last night for the first time in months, that's certainly a break from the norm! Anyway, I just don't feel that I'm in any sort of routine right now. So, roll on November. I just want some sort of normality.

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