Saturday, 12 January 2008

What's happening to NHS dentistry?

I received a letter from my dentist this morning informing me that I will no longer receive NHS treatment from them from April 08. Apparently they have been attempting to negotiate a contract with the PCT but it was unsatisfactory so they have decided not to offer NHS treatment at all. That includes my teenage daughter, as they are only offering free treatment to kids aged 11 and under. I'm furious. It's a good thing I got the letter on a Saturday because I'd have been round there like a shot. They put some Denplan leaflets in the letter, informing me that I could get routine assessments and x rays for £12.80 a month, and I'd have to pay for anything else, such as fillings etc. Have you seen the prices??! Anyway, having done some research into dental insurance, this Denplan is a big rip off. Most other policies will pay 80% of routine treatment for about the same price. My dentist is only offering 20% discount on such treatments. It's really expensive anyway. I'm going to look into whether there are any NHS dentists in the area, even if they'll only take my daughter. If I don't have any luck then I'll just have to get her insured and I'll not have a dentist for a year. I cannot afford those prices while I'm still a student nurse. I need a tooth filling or pulling at this moment as well, could cost me more than £100!